Hi everyone! I'd like to introduce to you to my FREE 5-day course, designed to help you with your low carb diet!
Whether you're new to this way of eating, need a refresher, want help staying motivated, or just love everything low carb – come and join me!
Each day for five days you'll receive an email from me, covering an important aspect of low carbing.
There are absolutely no obligations because it is FREE! You can unsubscribe at any time.
The course starts on Monday February 7th, so don't miss out!
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- DAY ONE: So *why* low carb? We look at the overview of this way of eating, the benefits, and HOW it works!
- DAY TWO: Want to know what you can eat on a low carb diet? I've got it covered!
- DAY THREE: If you ever feel overwhelmed with this way of eating, don't miss day three. We discuss family gatherings, lazy days, and busy days. I'm going to make this as easy as possible for you to keep going!
- DAY FOUR: Tempted by high carb foods? Today we talk about finding low carb alternatives for your favorite meals and where to buy the best low carb goodies.
- DAY FIVE: If you're lacking in motivation, don't give up! We'll look at how low carb diets work for other people, and easy ways to keep going. AND there's a special freebie for completing the course!
Join before Monday February 7th!
Yes! Sign Me Up!